What We Do

“Few will have the greatness to bend history, but each of us can work to change a small portion of events; and in the total of all those acts will be written the history of a generation.”

-John F. Kennedy


Our Purpose

…is to facilitate projects that empower people and their greater communities to improve their standard of living. We enter communities that are seeking assistance for projects and/or initiatives inspired by the community leaders. Our goal is to enable and guide people, not impose or change the way of life in a communities that we come into contact with so that cultures remain intact and are respected.


 Our Philosophy

This organization first started as an idea in 2014 from brothers, Kyle and Broc, who wanted to make and see a positive difference in the world. This idea developed, changed, and has been molded into what is now Auringer Connections. It goes without saying, the task of "changing the world" is severely daunting. We aren't exactly aiming to change the whole world, but to change lives. We strive to give people an outlet to improve their own lives, help others improve their lives, and overall, improve the world one project at a time.

  • Leadership.

    It is integral to every project that the leadership should and will come from the community in which the project is established. In addition to the responsibility leadership provides, it is important to note that community members are the only ones who know exactly what the community needs.

  • Determining a Need.

    After we analyze the logistics and feasibility of each project idea, we consult the community members to ensure there is a demand for the project.

  • Sustainability.

    In order to have a true and lasting impact on people’s standard of living, projects and social services need to last for a multitude of years. This requires projects to be self-sustaining in their daily operations and finances. Our projects are designed to do just this with our careful analysis of minimizing daily costs, utilizing renewable resources, and economic development plans.

  • Community Involvement.

    No project will ever be a success if it does not have the complete support of the community. Furthermore, all of our projects are structured in a way that will benefit the community.

  • Education.

    As cornerstone of our mission, education plays a central role in all of our projects. We educate those involved in our projects so they can in turn education the community. This is a fundamental piece that is woven into all aspects of the Auringer Connections mission.