Close Connections Gathering

Hello everyone,

I hope you’ve had a splendid beginning to the fall season! In this post I will be sharing some news with you about our first event, an update from Pastor Mioche and what you can expect from Auringer Connections in the next 4-6 months.

First, I want to thank all of you who have been following our journey thus far. I know I’ve said this before, but our connection with you truly helps push us towards our goal of building this medical clinic in Haiti. And because we sincerely value your connection, we are extremely excited to invite you to our first in-person event, called the “Close Connections Gathering” which will be held November 22nd. This event is meant for those who know who we are but might not know how/what exactly we are doing in Haiti. “Close Connection” is a term for people who will help build our web of connections, will invite their friends and family to future events, and will ultimately help Auringer Connections grow even more. The event is free for those who attend. There will be classic fall foods served (hotdish, casserole, pumpkin pie- all the good stuff), and the board will show a small presentation. During the presentation, you will hear people from Haiti tell their stories and why this work is extremely important. After dinner, everyone is encouraged to stay and play for a bit, bring drinks and share each other’s company. We will have T-shirts for sale as well as a sign-up sheet for our newsletters. If you or any of your friends are interested in attending, please visit our facebook event for more details:

We also have an update on the building site of the medical clinic in Haiti. Our construction and project facilitator, Pastor Mioche, sent initial blueprints for the clinic! Even though these blueprints are still being developed, we are excited to share with you what the clinic will eventually look like. You can see an image below:

This is all very exciting for us and we are happy to share with you how your support made this happen. We still have a lot of work ahead of us and are committed to our goal of making this clinic a reality. We have a great schedule of events/get-togethers you will enjoy in the coming months. Please stay tuned!

Peace and blessings,



Pastor Mioche US Tour 2021


Fundraiser and Haiti Update