Fundraiser and Haiti Update

Hey Folks,

We hope you've been doing well this spring! I wanted to post a little update on what we've been up to, what we are planning, and how things are going in Haiti.

First, I want to thank all of those who have followed us in our journey thus far. We are growing into our operations as a tax-exempt nonprofit, and learning how to keep day-to-day operations smooth. We have raised just north of $4,000, and are beyond thankful to those who have given. We haven't fundraised or held any events this spring as these months tend to be very busy (end of school, spring sports, terrible weather, etc). BUT, we plan on holding an event this summer (sometime in late summer), and are very focused on making this a reality. This organization is based on our "connections", so it is very important to us that we create amazing connections with people in person rather than simply online!

Now for a quick update on Haiti--- For those of you familiar with Haitian news and politics, the past few months have been pretty turbulent with unrest and uncertainty. There have been some changes happening with the Haitian government in terms of infrastructure and policy which has caused a backlash among the public (for those in favor and not). While Auringer Connections is not a political organization, unfortunately this still effects our mission in what we want to accomplish. One of our key board members, Jen Smith, was going to travel to Haiti for a portion of March, but had to cancel the trip because of this political unrest. We are sad she wasn't able to make the trip, but we continue to strive towards our goal of building a clinic, even when these conditions arise.

I want to close this quick post with a few things: 1. Thank you again to those who continue to follow our journey and are part of the connections that help us strive towards our goals. 2. Please keep an eye out for our event this summer- we are so excited to have you come out with us and have a grand time. 3. If you have any suggestions, comments, questions, ideas, or think anyone would be interested in our project- PLEASE reach out! Like I've mentioned before, it's our connections that help make this project possible.

Peace and blessings,



Close Connections Gathering


Any Progress is Progress