Visiting with friends in Haiti

Day 1 began bright and early with a car ride up to the Twin Cities at 3:30 to catch our flight to Haiti. Aside from a slight delay at the gate, our flight was very smooth, and layover in Atlanta was very quick. Upon our arrival in Port au Prince, we navigated the airport, customs, and massive crowds before meeting up with Pastor Joaz, Pastor Mioche’s brother. After leaving the airport, we were immediately introduced to the amazing sights Haiti has to offer. We navigated mountain passes and hairline cliffs while zooming in and out of traffic. Originally we thought these mountain passes and cliffs were pretty intense, but that’s when the pavement turned to dirt. The potholes in this “highway” would put Minnesotan potholes to shame. Along with the potholes, runoff from mountains creates torrents of water from the rainy season that make gouges a few feet deep. While trying to ignore the condition of the road, we were amazed with the beauty in our journey. The valleys radiate life with lush vegetation and the mountains command respect with their rocky slopes and tall peaks. Our 6 hour trip through the mountains was definitely one to remember. When we arrived in Pignon, we didn’t have much energy to do anything but eat, shower and go to bed. It was such an exciting day, and we haven’t even started working yet!


Experiencing Haiti