Experiencing Haiti

Today was a day that none of us will forget in Haiti.

In the morning we set out to visit the site of the soon-to-be clinic in a small village called Bouyaha. This village is very rural, and is about a 30 minute drive north of Pignon. When we arrived, all of the kids that attend the Pastor Mioche's school were near the church awaiting their report cards from this past semester. As we pulled up to the fence, attention was quickly turned to our truck to the three americans riding in the back. We stepped out, and the school kids kind of circled around us, not saying anything, but looking very curious. Pastor Mioche then showed us around the school building, the church, the administrative building, and the land that we will be building the clinic. Since 2003, Pastor Mioche has been developing this for the village, and has been extremely successful in his efforts. Wells to get clean water, a kitchen to cook kids meals (375 all get one meal a day- amazing!), a bathroom facility, a school big enough for grades 1-6, and a church. We were able to tour these buildings, and also meet some of the people who live there. After our tours, we all congregated in the church facility for an announcement from Pastor Mioche. I do not speak creole, but I knew exactly when he said the word "clinic", and I looked around and saw the expression on everyone's faces change. As the smiles started to be passed around, Pastor Mioche finished his speech. He introduced each one of us, and immediately the people started to clap. As soon as I realized the clapping gave me goosebumps, the people broke out in a song. To hear these villagers sing this song for us was an experience I will never forget. Young and old, everyone sang this song in perfect harmony, and it was simply amazing. Words can't express how this made me feel.

For us, it was a moment when we finally realize what all of our work was going into. Having to work on the logistics of a non-profit, it's easy to get caught up in all of the responsibility/tasks... you don't remember exactly how your efforts are being felt. This was that moment of realization.

After the announcement and song, we distributed some rice to the people. We wrapped things up with some goodbyes and headed back to Pingon. We then discussed the next steps for the clinic. We have been touched by this experience, and are excited to share this with all of our family and friends back home. This clinic will not be possible without those who support us. And to those who support this project, you will be able to see the difference made in this community. Lives will be changed, and part of this world will be a better place.

Thank you for taking the time to look take a look at what we're doing. If you would like to become involved, or would like more information, please feel free to contact us at b.auringer@auringerconnections.org or k.auringer@auringerconnections.org.


Any Progress is Progress


Visiting with friends in Haiti