Mayo Clinic Highlights Auringer Connections

The Mayo Clinic and Auringer Connections have bit more in common than you might expect. Not only does Mayo Clinic employ the entire board of Auringer Connections, they hold a similar value and mission structure to us.

“Inspiring hope and promoting health through integrated clinical practice, education and research.”(1), the Mayo Clinic mission statement, when broaden beyond the scope of medicine bears a similar goal to ours here at Auringer Connections. The themes of inspiration and promoting well-being function as the foundation in both of our organizations success.

Concrete that was used during the initial stages of clinic construction

In the Loop, a blog published by Mayo Clinic provides unique perspectives from around their organization, highlighted Auringer Connections in a post earlier this week. Auringer Connections hopes to grow this connection we have with the Mayo Clinic as we continue to support the Bouyaha Clinic project. Check out the full post here.


Reflection: The importance of Close Connections