Any Progress is Progress

In this post I will reminisce a bit about the past year, discuss our current projects, and go over our goals for the upcoming months/years. (Most of this post is also just a reflection on all things Auringer Connections)

AC has made some very big changes throughout the past year- It's hard for me to really sit down and go through them all. As I've experienced all of these changes, it's hard to believe that it's already been a year since our trip to Haiti. We've certainly adjusted to a few things along the way, and have begun to develop a true structure that any nonprofit or business needs. Every new challenge we encounter is truly a green experience; it has been extremely humbling to learn and grow from them.

From developing a business plan to developing a website, it has all been so much fun to be part of. Most notably, we have developed a team of 7 board members that are the engine to this organization, and have a plethora of knowledge and experience. As our team grows, each one of us brings something knew to the table, and we truly use our strengths to our advantage. It's quite an amazing feeling to know we've developed such a qualified team- this has me very excited for the future and what we'll be able to accomplish!

Along with developing a phenomenal team, there is one other accomplishment that I am equally as proud of- and is one we just recently achieved (but have been working towards for a very long time). Part of being a credible nonprofit is having tax-exempt status, however, achieving this status is not an easy task (mainly because it's only granted by the IRS). And if you've ever worked with the IRS, you'd know how extremely particular they are. After submitting our 1023 form (a very large document explaining everything about AC), and multiple communication requests afterwards, we were finally able to achieve tax-exempt status. The entire process took about 8 months after submitting the 1023 form which included working between the IRS and completing communication requests. Prior to even submitting the 1023 form, our preparation of becoming a nonprofit began in the fall of 2016 when we partnered with a team of legal students at the University of St. Thomas School of Law to begin establishing the legal base of our organization. Fast-forward 2 years of hard work including weekly/monthly meetings, lots of writing, discussions, and countless questions we had to ask ourselves, we're finally here. This status has been a monumental step for us as a nonprofit, and opens up so many opportunities. I honestly get goosebumps thinking about this team and the goals we've set out to accomplish... and now we have to tools to do so.

Our current projects include finalizing our identity (brand/logo/website/etc.), begin organizing events, presenting to potential donors, and beginning the actual project that brought us together in the first place- construct the medical clinic in Haiti. Our workload has increased significantly since gaining tax-exempt status, and we are very ready to begin "putting boots on the ground" as Kyle so famously puts it. Our first real presentation will be to the Rochester Rotary Club on August 19th. This is a presentation that Jen will be giving as she was instrumental in the connection with this great opportunity. We also are planning on having a few events in the fall, and will be introducing these events to you very soon. As part of our campaign for this medical clinic, we also plan on creating special programs for large donors, and will be visible on our website. These are just a few of the things we are working on at this point in time. You'll certainly see some of these changes on our website as well as social media sites in the weeks to come.

We are also planning another trip to Haiti within the next year. As things are truly beginning to change, we want to share with you what difference YOU are making in this community. This project is and will change lives for years to come- you truly make the difference- and the people of Bouyaha love you for it. We are genuinely working as hard as we can so that the connections and opportunities we have here can go a very long way in the communities that need them the most. We are happy to have you here to be part of this change.

If you would like to help, please visit our "Donate Now" page. If you'd like to learn more about our project and mission, our would like to volunteer, please don't hesitate to reach out to me at

As always, thank you.



Fundraiser and Haiti Update


Experiencing Haiti